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Health Analysis

Bioenergetic testing allows us to get a detailed look into your current health status, based on cellular information received from your hair and saliva. Your test kit will be mailed directly to you with a pre-paid…

Why Essential Oils?

Essential oils have been seen as a favorite past-time, a luxurious gift to one’s self or another, a magical solution, or an all out obsession to others. For some, they’re seen as a gimmick. Why the…

Toxic ingredients in self-care products.

We all like to look beautiful, and feel comfortable in our own skin. Boy, girl, all of us. We have sacrificed our health for this privilege in many cases, though. We need to be much more…

You have a God-given right to “have and enjoy life.” Through the information contained here I hope you are able to increase your desire and willingness to work towards a long, enjoyable life.

Dr. Brandi Perry Johnson, DC.

About Dr. B

As a child her family lived in the mountains of North Carolina before moving back to Texas. It was there that she discovered a deep desire for all things alternative medicine, but didn’t know what to do with it. For years she worked and waited for clarity. Eventually she told God “You are going to have to just hit me on the head and tell me what You want me to do, because I can’t figure it out.” It wasn’t long after that prayer that she suffered a head and neck injury and had to receive consistent Chiropractic care as part of healing. It was here that she learned about the science, art, and philosophy of Chiropractic.This experience created a pull to attend Chiropractic school. Shortly thereafter she and her husband sold their house and left for Dallas to attend Parker University, College of Chiropractic. When first enrolling Brandi knew very little about Chiropractic and all of its’ power- she just knew she was supposed to do it, and has been humbled by the opportunity. Since graduating Dr. B has continued to study all things related to Alternative health and healing, and dedicates herself to teaching individuals how to thrive during this earthly life.

Verified testing provider for bioenergetic health analysis and emotional awareness scans.

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